International Conference
on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics in High-Rise and Underground Construction named after
Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan

17-20 SEPTEMBER 2024
17-20 September 2024
129337, 26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, Russia
Important dates
About Conference
Deadline for submission of the application for participation
Deadline for papers submission
Notification of acceptance
Last fee payment
The Conference
International Scientific Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics in High-Rise and Underground Construction named after Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan will be held September 17-20, 2024 at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

The languages of the Conference are English and Russian.

Among industry experts, the Conference have a reputation as an important discussion platform for discussing the most pressing issues and problems of:
  • Fundamentals of the definition physical and mechanical properties of soils grounds.
  • Computational and experimental methods and information technology in geotechnical construction.
  • Construction in distribution areas soils with unstable structural connections.
  • Modern conversion technologies construction properties of foundation soils and reconstruction of foundations and underground structures.


Conference dedicated to memory of prof. Zaven Grigorievich Ter-Martirosyan (08/10/1936 - 01/05/2023),
Honorary Academician of the RAASN, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, founder of Scientific Educational Center "Geotechnics".

Zaven Grigorievich was born on August 10, 1936. Since 1962 he worked at MGSU and worked his way up from a postgraduate student to the Head of the Department of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics. During 61 years of work and professional path in MGSU he prepared more than 85 Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, including 30 foreigners, and under his consultation 6 doctoral dissertations were defended. Prof. Ter-Martirosyan Z.G. is the author and co-author of many monographs, textbooks, printed works and inventions, reports at international congresses and symposiums on soil mechanics, geotechnics and design of bases and foundations.

During his career he has achieved and won many awards and prizes, including being an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation and Moscow, Honorary Power Engineer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering from 2000 to 2015.

On December 11, 2014, Professor Zaven Grigorievich Ter-Martirosyan was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for the theory and practice of regulating the stress-strain state of the soil mass during new construction and reconstruction in dense urban areas.
Prof. Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan was the chairman of the specialized council for awarding scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialties "Base and Foundations, Underground Structures", "Construction Mechanics", as well as was a member of many scientific and technical organizations, such as the Russian Society of Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering (RSSMGFE), the editorial board of the journals " Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering", "Engineering Geology", Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering (ROMGG&F), editorial board of the journals "Foundations, Foundations and Soil Mechanics", "Engineering Geology", "Geotechnics" and "Vestnik MGSU", expert of Moscow city technical commissions, including those on bases, foundations and underground structures under the Moscow City Government. He is an expert of Moscow city technical commissions, including on foundations, foundations and underground structures under the Moscow City Government.

Scientific and practical interests of Prof. Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan covered a wide range of issues related to construction in complex engineering-geological conditions. The Laboratory of Applied Geomechanics of MGSU, which he headed, developed a comprehensive program necessary for quantitative assessment of the stress-strain state of soil massifs serving as the foundation and environment of various structures. Under the direction of Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan a large volume of various governmental assignments, GMRD, as well as commercial works was performed, including those on facilities of high level of responsibility, Moscow Metro and nuclear industry.
Conference Organisers
Organizational fee
10 000 RUB

  • Presentation of scientific research results (Report).
  • Entrance to all scientific sections of the Conference.
  • Online access to the materials.
  • Publication in the journal included in the list of VAK.
  • Participation in the excursion program.
5 000 RUB

  • Presentation of scientific research results (Report).
  • Entrance to all scientific sections of the Conference.
  • Online access to the materials.
  • Participation in the excursion program.
5 000 RUB

  • Gala dinner

  • Entrance to all scientific sections of the Conference.
  • Online access to the materials.


1. Fundamentals of the definition physical and mechanical properties of soils grounds

2. Computational and experimental methods and information technology in geotechnical construction

3. Construction in distribution areas soils with unstable structural connections

4. Modern conversion technologies construction properties of foundation soils and reconstruction of foundations and underground structures

Scientific committee

    DSc, Professor, Research Professor, Director of the Geotechnical Institute,
    President of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev Astana, Kazakhstan
    PhD, Associate professor, Research Professor, Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev Astana, Kazakhstan
    PhD, Professor Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, United States
    PhD, Professor, President of the Iraq Geotechnical Association, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
    PhD, Professor, President of the Iran Geotechnical Association, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    PhD, Professor, Vice-Dean of School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, China
    PhD, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
    PhD, Professor, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
    PhD, Professor, Shantou University, Shantou, China
    PhD, Professor, Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea
    Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, Fellow Malaysia Academy Professor,
    Distinguished Fellow, Centre of Tropical Geoengineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Prof. Viacheslav Ilichev
    DSc, Professor, President of RSSMGFE, Vice-Head of RAASN, Russia
  • Prof. Andrei Ponomarev
    DSc., Professor, Empress Yekaterina II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Vice-Head of RSSMGFE, Russia
  • Prof. Anatolii Polishchuk
    DSc, Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University, Russia
  • Prof. Gennadii Skibin
    DSc, Professor, South-Russian State Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Prof. Leonid Nuzhdin
    PhD, Professor, Chairman of the Association of Siberian Geotechnical Engineers, Russia
  • Prof. Sergey Evtushenko
    DSc, Professor, Department of Information Systems, Technologies and Automation in Construction, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia
  • Dr. Armen Ter-Martirosyan
    DSc, Department of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia
  • Prof. Leonid Bartolomei
    DSc, Professor, Industrial University of Tyumen, Russia
  • Prof. Gennadii Boldyrev
    DSc, Professor, Director for Research and Innovations, OOO «GEOTEK», Russia
  • Prof. Mikhail Zertsalov
    DSc, Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia
  • Prof. Vladimir Znamenskii
    DSc, Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia
  • Dr. Igor Kolybin
    PhD., Head of the Directorate for Scientific, Technical and Regulatory Policy, NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov, Russia
  • Prof. Konstantin Korolev
    DSc, Professor, Siberian Transport University, Russia
  • Prof. Rashid Mangushev
    DSc, Professor, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia
  • Dr. Maksim Marinichev
    DSc, Associate Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University, Russia
  • Prof. Ilizar Mirsaiapov
    DSc, Professor, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Russia
  • Prof. Aleksandr Nevrozov
    DSc, Professor, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia
  • Prof. Nadezhda Nikiforova
    DSc, Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia
  • Dr. Iakov Pronozin
    DSc, Associate Professor, Industrial University of Tyumen, Russia
  • Dr. Dmitrii Chuniuk
    PhD., Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia
  • Dr. Rafael Sharafutdinov
    PhD., Director, NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov, Russia
  • Dr. Aleksei Shashkin
    DSc, General Director, Georeconstruction Institute, Russia


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,
Yaroslavskoe Shosse 26, Russia, Moscow
About MGSU
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MGSU) was established in 1921. Before 1993 it was known as Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuibyshev (MISI). It is one of the oldest technical institutes of higher education of the Russian Federation.

In 2010 the University was given the status of «National Research University», equally effectively implementing educational and academic activity on the basis of the principles of integration of science and education. The status of «National Research University» is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the next 10 years to the results of competitive selection of development programs of universities, aimed at staffing of the priority directions of development of science, technology, equipment, branches of economy, social sphere, development and introduction in manufacture of high technologies, for universities equally effectively implementing the educational programs of the higher professional and postgraduate professional education and performing fundamental-detailed and applied scientific research on a wide range of sciences. At the present moment, MGSU is a leading civil engineering institute of higher education in the Russian Federation. The University comprises 8 big institutes, more than 50 departments, implementing the training of specialists in a wide range of scientific areas. There are 40 specialized scientific laboratories; more than 50 innovative structures are making scientific and venture research in the sphere of design and construction of safe and comfortable buildings, structures and complexes, being an innovative pool of new knowledge in civil engineering. MGSU has 1 branch in the Moscow region in Mytishchi.

In 2022 MGSU is receive a special part of the grant in "Territorial and Sectoral Leadership". Being one of the participants of the "Priority 2030" program since its start last year MGSU currently gets the basic part of the grant.

The "Priority 2030" was launched in 2021 as a federal academic leadership program under the "Science and Universities" national project of the Russian Federation. Its main aim is to form over 100 progressive modern universities, centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development in Russia by 2030.
About Research and Education Center "Geotechnics" named after Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan
The laboratories of Research and Education Center "Geotechnics" named after Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan
Research and Education Center "Geotechnics" named after Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan was established on December 28th, 2011 on the basis of NRU MSUCE. The Center was named in honor of its founder - Ter-Martirosyan Zaven Grigorievich.
The main goal of the Center is to create and introduce new approaches in the field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering, including engineering-geological and engineering-geotechnical survey investigation and design of technically complex and unique buildings and structures, as well as hydro-technical facilities and nuclear power facilities in Russia and abroad.
The main activities of the center are:
- laboratory tests of dispersive and very coarse soils;
- laboratory tests of rocky soils;
- numerical modeling of geotechnical problems;
- scientific and technical support of design, construction and operation of buildings and structures;
- development and actualization of normative and technical documents;
- performance of research and development works, etc.

The laboratories of Research and Education Center "Geotechnics" named after Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan are equipped with the most modern and innovative equipment. It is with the help of this equipment that the staff conducts soil tests taking into account static, dynamic, cyclic and vibration loads for dispersed, coarse clastic and rocky soils, including modeling of seismic impacts, as well as man-made impacts from turbine generators, machines and mechanisms, etc.


Consortium «Construction and Architecture»
About Moscow
Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, and cultural centre. This is the most populated city in Russia and Europe. For many people fr om Russia and other countries the capital of Russia is a city of magnificent opportunities.
European Capital
Moscow is very much like any other European capital as far as its infrastructure and lifestyle are concerned, while its people do not differ much from those living in other metropolises, such as London and New York. That is why foreigners find it so easy to adapt to life in Moscow.
City of Events
There's always something going on in Moscow: exhibitions, festivals, performances, excursions, concerts, quests, marathons... You can have a great time in Moscow and you don't have to spend a fortune either: get a bird's-eye view of the city, take a boat ride down Moscow river, descend 65 metres below ground to the Cold War bunker, take drawing or guitar classes, take a tour around Moscow's bars or take part in wine tasting, enjoy roller skating in a park, or visit a maze of mirrors...
This Is One of the Best Cities in the World for Students
Moscow was included in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking of top world cities for students in 2014 and 2015. Among other things, the experts evaluated how popular the metropolis is among students, how prestigious its universities are, and whether there are opportunities for study.
City of Sports
Moscow can boast of over 9.5 thousand sporting facilities, including over 4,000 gyms. The Russian capital is a frequent host of sporting events: marathons and competitions on a national and international scale. The Sporting City is a major holiday in Moscow, bringing together over 70,000 students from the capital's institutions of higher education. A huge sporting facility is being built in the centre of Moscow to host over 50 so-called sporting sections. Anyone can try their hand at all kinds of sports – from urban mountain biking to sumo wrestling.
City of Parks
Many international tourists are surprised at the number of parks, gardens, and garden squares they find in Moscow. There are over 120 of them here. We are mostly talking about spacious green areas with everything you could possibly need for comfortable recreation, including benches, Wi-Fi, cafes, pathways, sports facilities and much more besides. The parks always host all manner of interesting activities, including festivals, concerts, and special events.
The Most Beautiful Undeground on Earth
The Moscow Metro is not only a convenient way to move around the city, but one of its main sights, a cultural gem, wh ere even guided tours are held. Its stations are decorated with marble, mosaics, and sculptures. Mayakovskaya, Kiyevskaya, Komsomolskaya, and Novoslobodskaya are among the most beautiful of the many stations. Ploschad Revolutsii [Revolution Square] with a sculpture of a frontier guard and a dog is particularly popular among students. Many believe rubbing the dog's nose before an exam brings good luck.
The Largest Library in Europe
The Russian State Library, which contains over 45.5 mln publications and documents in 367 languages, is located in the heart of Moscow, on Vozdvizhenka Street. Here, you will find computers with internet access, electronic document search, and a cafe. Anyone can join the library; you only have to present a passport with a valid visa, translated into Russian.
Multinational City
Social scientists state, that only 2% of Moscow's population of more than 12 mln people, are indigenous residents. Over the last 20 years, three million people migrated to Moscow from other regions of Russia, and the number of foreigners (excluding the CIS countries) who live here on a permanent basis is estimated to top 300,000 people. People from different countries and religions find life very comfortable in Moscow, with its Orthodox churches, synagogues, mosques, Catholic churches, Buddhist centres, and more. No wonder the British newspaper The Independent called this cosmopolitan city the most foreigner-friendly.


© Organizing Committee of the International Conference
on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics in High-Rise and Underground Construction named after Z.G. Ter-Martirosyan