Young Geotechnical Engineers
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. Moscow, Russia

Russian Society for Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering is pleasured to announce the 29th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference that will be held October 2025. The conference will take place at National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in Moscow, Russia.
GeoGames is a competition for young geotechnical engineers and scientists which is traditionally held as part of a Youth Conference RSSMGFE. In 2025, the GeoGames will be held for the sixth time. Games format is changing every year. What will it be in 2025? Come and find out!
Youth Bureau of Russian society of Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering: Dr. Armen Ter-Martirosyan, PhD Maksim Tupikov, PhD Stanislav Shulyat'ev, Aleksandra Bryksina, Anastasiya Almakaeva, Viktor Bakhmisov, Lyubov Ermoshina, Aleksander Krasnoperov, Anastasiya Kuzina
Contact Information
Contact persons:
Dr. Armen Ter-Martirosyan
Aleksandra Bryksina


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,
Yaroslavskoe Shosse 26, Russia, Moscow
How to reach the location
From VDNKh metro station: exit 4 → buses 903 (express), 136, 172, 244, also electric bus 76
From Rostokino train station: exit 2 → bus station Rostokino MCC Station → buses 903 (express), 136, 172, 244, also electric bus 76
From Botanicheskiy sad metro station: exit 2 → bus 789.
About Us
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MGSU) was established in 1921. Before 1993 it was known as Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuibyshev (MISI). It is one of the oldest technical institutes of higher education of the Russian Federation.

In 2010 the University was given the status of «National Research University», equally effectively implementing educational and academic activity on the basis of the principles of integration of science and education. The status of «National Research University» is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the next 10 years to the results of competitive selection of development programs of universities, aimed at staffing of the priority directions of development of science, technology, equipment, branches of economy, social sphere, development and introduction in manufacture of high technologies, for universities equally effectively implementing the educational programs of the higher professional and postgraduate professional education and performing fundamental-detailed and applied scientific research on a wide range of sciences. At the present moment, MGSU is a leading civil engineering institute of higher education in the Russian Federation. The University comprises 8 big institutes, more than 50 departments, implementing the training of specialists in a wide range of scientific areas. There are 40 specialized scientific laboratories; more than 50 innovative structures are making scientific and venture research in the sphere of design and construction of safe and comfortable buildings, structures and complexes, being an innovative pool of new knowledge in civil engineering. MGSU has 1 branch in the Moscow region in Mytishchi.

In 2022 MGSU is receive a special part of the grant in "Territorial and Sectoral Leadership". Being one of the participants of the "Priority 2030" program since its start last year MGSU currently gets the basic part of the grant.

The "Priority 2030" was launched in 2021 as a federal academic leadership program under the "Science and Universities" national project of the Russian Federation. Its main aim is to form over 100 progressive modern universities, centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development in Russia by 2030.
Russian Society for Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering
Since January 2001 Russia National Committee for SMFE has the new name : Russian Society for Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering (RSSMGFE).
SMGFE was organized in 1957 attached to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and numbered 110 members. In 1957 it became the member of ISSMGE (ISSMFE).
The first President of RSSMGFE was Prof. Dr.Sc. N.A.Tsytovich, the prominent scientist in the field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Prof.N.A.Tsytovich remained the President until his death in 1984. Since 1986 up to now Prof. Dr.Sc. V.A.Ilyichev is the President of RSSMGFE.
Prof. Dr.Sc. M.V. Malyshev and Dr.Yu.G.Trofimenkov were the Vice-Presidents for the period 1960-1995. Prof. Dr.Sc. S.B.Ukhov, Head of Civ. Eng. Dept. of the Moscow State Civ. Eng. University, was the Vice-President of RSSMGFE for the period of 1995-2004. Prof.Dr.Sc. Yu.K. Zaretsky, academinian, director of the International Institute of Geomechanics and Hydrostructures, was the Vice-President of RSSMGFE for the period of 2005-2013. At present Prof. Dr. Sc. R.A. Mangushev and Prof. Dr. Sc. A.L. Gotman are the Vice-Presidents of RSSMGFE.
Our society numbers more than 200 members.
The list of ISSMGE (ISSMFE) Regional conferences, organized and conducted in the former USSR.

ISSMGE (ISSMFE) entrusted Russian Society for SMGFE with the organization in the USSR ( Moscow) of the VIII ICSMFE. This conference was successfully organized and conducted. 2355 specialists from 51 countries took part in it work, including 1877 foreign specialists. This conference was one of the most numerous. The Proceedings of VIII ICSMFE were published in Moscow.

The VII Danube-European Conference on SMFE was organized and successfully conducted in Kishiniov (Moldavian Republic of the USSR). The Proceedings (two volumes) were published in Moscow.

Two Technical Committees of ISSMGE (ISSMFE) were headed by Prof. P.A. Konovalov (USSR) - Technical Committee on Peat, and Prof.S.N.Klepikov (USSR)-Technical Committee of Allowable Deformations of Buildings and Damages. The result of the activity of these two committees was the Second Baltic International Conference (1988) in Tallinn (Estonian Republic of the USSR).The Proceedings were published in Moscow.

The Third Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference in Raubichi ( Belorussian Republic of the USSR). The organization and conduction of this conference were financed entirely by Russian Society for SMGFE. Two volumes of the Proceedings were also published in Moscow.

The ISSMGE (ISSMFE) Technical Committee "Arid Soils" was headed by Prof. V.P. Petrukhin (USSR). The result of this activity was the International Symposium on Engineering Characteristics of Arid Soils, organized in 1993 in City Univesity (London). The Proceedings were published in London.
The list of the regional conferences, organized and conducted under the patronage of ISSMGE

The International Geotechnical Conference "Ceotechnical Challenges in Megacities" was organized and conducted successfully in Moscow.
Organizers were:
The ISSMGE and five ISSMGE Technical committees:
- Technical Committee 32 "Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management",
- Technical Committee 38 "Soil Structure Interaction",
- Technical Committee 41 "Geotechnical Infrastructure for Mega Cities and New Capitals",
- The Gersevanov Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures (NIIOSP),
- NPO "Georeconstruction-Fundamentproject (GRF)",Saint-Petersburg.
The proceedings were published in Moscow.

International Conference on Geotechnics in Saint-Petersburg.
"Interaction of Bases and Structures. Underground Structures and Retaining Walls"
The proceedings were published in Saint-Petersburg.

International Conference on Architecture and Geotechnics in Saint-Petersburg
"Underground Urbanistics: Architecture and Geotechnics"
-Technical Committee 18 "Deep Foundations"
-Technical Committee 28 "Underground Construction in Soft Ground"
The proceedings were published in Saint-Petersburg

Russian-Spanish conference on geotechnics and architecture in Saint-Petersburg:
The First Betankur Readings: Development of underground space as the way to maintain a historical medium"
Research center of construction and NIIOSP
Gersevanov Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures named after N.M. Gersevanov (NIIOSP) is the leading organization of the Russian construction industry in the field of in the foundation engineering and underground development.
The establishment of NIIOSP dates back to 1931 as, at that time called, the All-Soviet Union Institute for Mixed Bases and Foundations (VIOS). In 1958 the Institute was appointed a principal agency in the field of foundation engineering and underground development. In 1966 the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, and in 1973 it was re-named after Nikolay Gersevanov, its founder, a distinguished Russian scholar and a pioneer of the national school of soil mechanics. As of 1994 onwards, NIIOSP has been a sectoral research institute, a joint member of the Research Centre for Construction (JSC NITS Stroitelstvo).
Countrywide participation of NIIOSP in more or less all major assets development be that high-rise buildings in Moscow, the Moscow Metro, the Ostankino TV Tower, or Norilsk Mining and Smelting Enterprise, other larger factories (Tolyatti, Zaporozhie, NaberezhnyeChelny, Cherepovets, etc.), site structures and facilities operating the deposits of ore, coal, oil and gas resources (Kursk, Vorkuta, Urengoy, Yakutsk, etc.) is a well-acknowledged fact.
Development of the unique completed projects in Cuba, Bulgaria, India, Egypt, Iran, Yugoslavia and other countries was carried out with active participation of NIIOSP.
Nowadays, their disciples and successors are promoting the Institute's best scientific practice and traditions.
At present the Institute comprises over 200 highly qualified specialists with the background in geotechnics.
The NIIOSP scientists achievements and contribution into the industry have been commemorated by 23 National Awards, 17 Awards of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Russian Federation Government Award (2014) and by other insignias of the former USSR and Russian Federation, as well as gold and silver medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements (VDNKH) and All-Russian Exhibition Centre (VVC), Certificates of Honour granted by many Russian and International Expos.
A number of NIIOSP specialists are awarded honorary titles: Honored Scientist of the RF, Emeritus Builder of the RF, Honored Builder of the RF, Honored Builder of Moscow.
The institute is home for the Russian Society of Soil mechanics, Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering (RSSMGFE) and contributes to Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Journal.
About Moscow
Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, and cultural centre. This is the most populated city in Russia and Europe. For many people fr om Russia and other countries the capital of Russia is a city of magnificent opportunities.
European Capital
Moscow is very much like any other European capital as far as its infrastructure and lifestyle are concerned, while its people do not differ much from those living in other metropolises, such as London and New York. That is why foreigners find it so easy to adapt to life in Moscow.
City of Events
There's always something going on in Moscow: exhibitions, festivals, performances, excursions, concerts, quests, marathons... You can have a great time in Moscow and you don't have to spend a fortune either: get a bird's-eye view of the city, take a boat ride down Moscow river, descend 65 metres below ground to the Cold War bunker, take drawing or guitar classes, take a tour around Moscow's bars or take part in wine tasting, enjoy roller skating in a park, or visit a maze of mirrors...
This Is One of the Best Cities in the World for Students
Moscow was included in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking of top world cities for students in 2014 and 2015. Among other things, the experts evaluated how popular the metropolis is among students, how prestigious its universities are, and whether there are opportunities for study.
City of Sports
Moscow can boast of over 9.5 thousand sporting facilities, including over 4,000 gyms. The Russian capital is a frequent host of sporting events: marathons and competitions on a national and international scale. The Sporting City is a major holiday in Moscow, bringing together over 70,000 students from the capital's institutions of higher education. A huge sporting facility is being built in the centre of Moscow to host over 50 so-called sporting sections. Anyone can try their hand at all kinds of sports – from urban mountain biking to sumo wrestling.
City of Parks
Many international tourists are surprised at the number of parks, gardens, and garden squares they find in Moscow. There are over 120 of them here. We are mostly talking about spacious green areas with everything you could possibly need for comfortable recreation, including benches, Wi-Fi, cafes, pathways, sports facilities and much more besides. The parks always host all manner of interesting activities, including festivals, concerts, and special events.
The Most Beautiful Undeground on Earth
The Moscow Metro is not only a convenient way to move around the city, but one of its main sights, a cultural gem, wh ere even guided tours are held. Its stations are decorated with marble, mosaics, and sculptures. Mayakovskaya, Kiyevskaya, Komsomolskaya, and Novoslobodskaya are among the most beautiful of the many stations. Ploschad Revolutsii [Revolution Square] with a sculpture of a frontier guard and a dog is particularly popular among students. Many believe rubbing the dog's nose before an exam brings good luck.
The Largest Library in Europe
The Russian State Library, which contains over 45.5 mln publications and documents in 367 languages, is located in the heart of Moscow, on Vozdvizhenka Street. Here, you will find computers with internet access, electronic document search, and a cafe. Anyone can join the library; you only have to present a passport with a valid visa, translated into Russian.
Multinational City
Social scientists state, that only 2% of Moscow's population of more than 12 mln people, are indigenous residents. Over the last 20 years, three million people migrated to Moscow from other regions of Russia, and the number of foreigners (excluding the CIS countries) who live here on a permanent basis is estimated to top 300,000 people. People from different countries and religions find life very comfortable in Moscow, with its Orthodox churches, synagogues, mosques, Catholic churches, Buddhist centres, and more. No wonder the British newspaper The Independent called this cosmopolitan city the most foreigner-friendly.
Explore Moscow!
From airports to Moscow
In order to get from the airport to Moscow, you can use aeroexpress ( or taxi.
We recommend that you use official taxi services:
Yandex.Taxi: Appstore and Google Play
CityMobil: Appstore and Google Play

Trips in Moscow
You can use the Troika card, which is available at ticket offices for a deposit of 150 roubles (it is possible to return an operable card to the ticket office and get back the deposit). One trip on any form of public transit is 54 roubles and changing from the metro to surface transit or vice versa within 90 minutes is 81 roubles.

The most famous attractions in Moscow:


8 (495) 287-49-14 ex.2476
129337, 26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse
Moscow, Russia
© 2024 by Youth Bureau RSSMGFE